My name is Thea, I am 31 years old and I am from the north of England (Merseyside)
I was born with 1/3 of my adult teeth, so really found eating difficult. Also the over all appearance gave me low confidence. The only option offered to me in the UK was dentures, but as young woman, this didn´t feel like a good solution.
I picked Smile Clinic Slovakia because of the excellent reviews online, which they have completely earned. Every part of my treatment has been handled with the greatest care, and every member of staff has been warm and supportive. Now that my smile is finished, I can´t stop looking at myself in the mirror, which sounds terribly vain, but they look so fantastic. I feel very lucky to have found such an amazing clinic, they have changed my life for the better and I couldn’t be more grateful.
Thank you so very much! xxx
Thea came to us with a very serious problem. She was born just with 1/3 of her adult teeth. This made her life extremely difficult. She wasn’t able to eat properly, and of course aesthetically her smile was bothering her too. She didn´t want to wear dentures in such a young age, so she decided to search for an other solution and found us. After the initial consultation with Dr. Marek our suggestion was a complete makeover with the combination of dental implants, dental crowns and white fillings.
To complete the treatment Thea visited us 3 times. On the first visit we did the most of the surgery, the teeth were extracted and the dental implants were screwed in. On the second visit was done the preparation of the teeth for the dental crowns, the white fillings and the impressions. Finally on her last visit all the implant and dental crowns were fitted on, and Thea could enjoy her new smile.
Get the smile you cannot stop looking at by making the first step and filling out our contact form!

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